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The Christmas Angel: Prequel (Love for Christmas 1) Page 4
The Christmas Angel: Prequel (Love for Christmas 1) Read online
Page 4
Mrs. Grayson sighed and nodded. “…so you can’t stay living here much longer.” For a moment Mercy thought she caught a note of sadness in Mrs. Grayson’s voice. “I’d change the rules Mercy, if we weren’t already bursting at the seams. Don’t know what we’ll do in the winter…”
“God will show us the way Mrs. Grayson. That’s why I thought about the nuns. I could do so much good…”
Mrs. Grayson sighed heavily, even after all those years she still didn’t fully approve of the catholic neighbors. “You’ve got such a pure heart, Mercy. I’ve yet to see anyone as generous as you. Don’t give up on your faith yet. You said it yourself – The Lord will show us the way.”
Mercy blushed. It wasn’t every day that Mrs. Grayson gave out compliments, but when she did, she meant it. The woman left and Mercy took out the envelope. It was time to get her job done.
* * *
Mercy sat bolt upright awoken by the pounding on the bedroom door. She draped herself in a shawl she grabbed of the nightstand and struck a match to light the lantern hanging by her bed. Enid and Ramona, who shared the tiny room with Mercy, mumbled awake.
Mercy opened the door to find a distraught Sister Bernadette on the other side. The woman, only a few years older than Mercy, wrung her hands.
“What happened?” Lord have mercy! Please, let it not be bandits.
“It’s an emergency, Mercy,” the woman whispered. The Sisters were always the first ones to help the orphanage in need, and not just because they live right next door. She looked over Mercy’s shoulder at the other children who were watching from their beds. “Do you still have room in there? I’m afraid we’re going to have to share beds tonight.”
“What happened?” Mercy repeated, opening the door wider. “Outlaws? Where’s the sheriff's posse?”
Sister Bernadette shook her head. “No, no, it’s not the bandits, but there was a shipwreck and we’ve got around a dozen or so poor orphaned children right now who need a new home.”
She turned around and gestured to her right. Three small children, a boy and two girls shuffled towards Mercy. Sister Bernadette smiled at them. “This is Miss Mercy. You’ll be staying with her tonight.”
The little girl cried into her rag doll. “I wanna see my Mama!”
“Oh, no, don’t cry, Amy!” Sister Bernadette threw Mercy a panicked look.
Mercy crouched in front of the girl and smiled. “Amy?”
The girl looked up at Mercy with puffy, red eyes.
“I’m Mercy. It’s very nice to meet you.” The girl only hugged her doll tighter in response. “I know you miss your parents very much, but Sister Bernadette and I will take care of you. You must be tired.”
She looked at the other girl and boy.
“Are you kids tired?”
They nodded. Mercy glanced at Sister Bernadette, who sighed, before smiling back at her. “Thank you, Mercy.”
“C’mon, let’s get inside where it’s warm.” In truth, it wasn’t. The air was usually freezing and the blankets course and thin. But company always drove the cold away. “Enid, Ramona, say hello to our new friends!”
The two sleepyheads in the room took in the sight of their new companions with curious gazes. Mercy went to the small dresser beside her bed and took out extra blankets and pillows. Enid and Ramona shared a bed, and the small boy, Duncan, and the other girl, Ruby, shared the other one.
Mercy turned to Amy, who had been holding on to her skirt. She took the little girl’s hand and tucked them both into bed. The little girl sniffed. “When will I see Mama and Papa?”
Mercy caressed her head. “Soon, but only if you’re a good girl and do what the sisters say, all right?” Amy nodded and buried her face into the crook of Mercy’s neck.
Mercy waited till the children all fell asleep, which wasn’t long. After a few minutes, they all snored lightly into their pillows. Amy had rolled on to her side, still clutching her rag doll.
Mercy quietly sneaked outside the room and clutching her shawl tighter around her shoulders she went down to the small chapel next door. It was empty, save for the Mother Superior, who was surprised to see someone join her.
“Mercy, what are you doing here at this time of night?” She sat in the pew nearest the altar.
“I couldn’t sleep,” Mercy joined the woman. “And I thought I would talk to Him.” She looked up to the crucifix at the center of the dais.
The Mother Superior nodded, sighed and muttered more to herself than Mercy, “Maybe we should consider the mayor’s offer.”
“Sell the orphanage?” Mercy almost raised her voice, but restrained herself at the last minute.
“Things are not going well, my child. The donations have been small and we get more hungry mouths than we have helping hands.” She sighed again. “Pastor Grayson, his wife, and I have to consider the good of the children. My congregation can only supply so much food and money. We’re running out, as it is. Maybe it’s His will that the mayor handle things.”
Mercy gasped. “But, Mother Superior, he’ll just sell the building and the land.”
The older woman sighed. “He’ll take them anyway if we can’t provide for the orphans.” She looked up at the crucifix. “It’s been a very trying past few weeks.”
Mother Superior, usually a calm and soothing presence amid the hectic energy of the orphanage, that night, looked ancient and weak. In Father Hector’s absence, everything had suddenly fallen on her tired shoulders. The looming winter wasn’t helping either. They could barely feed the children they had now, and with the new additions…
Mercy crossed herself. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
“Matthew chapter seven, verse seven.” Mother Superior smiled. “Many of our children forget the Scriptures as soon as their lessons stop.”
Mercy looked at the Mother Superior. “Let us trust in the Lord. He will always provide, even when we think all hope is lost.”
“Just like Abraham and Isaac,” Mother Superior muttered. She smiled at Mercy and patted her shoulder, before leaving.
Mercy shivered. The place had never seemed dimmer and colder now that she was left alone. She lifted her skirt and knelt, clasping her hands in front of her. She closed her eyes and whispered, “I know that there’s a reason behind everything You do, but it’s so hard. We have new mouths to feed and yet so little food to offer. Winter is coming and even our hearths are empty. We ask for Your help, Your guidance, and Your grace.”
She opened her eyes and began the Lord’s Prayer. “Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be -”
A strong gust of wind delivered a set of papers to her lap.
Mercy blinked and lifted the papers up. It was today’s newspaper, opened right on the Matrimonial section. She pressed the paper flat before her. “Mail Order Brides.” She looked up at the crucified Christ. “Is this –? Is this the answer?”
Mercy looked back down and read the ads. They weren’t unfamiliar to her, but her eyes had rarely strayed from the ad her client wanted her to answer. She had never given this a thought before. But now that the idea had been planted it sort of made more and more sense to her with every hurried heartbeat. Many of the men she corresponded with had been nice and devoted to the Lord. Many of them claimed - and proved - that they were wealthy, true, and willing to support their brides.
Cole Beckett - A man of God, 25 years of age, serving as a wood-carver and undertaker, is seeking the acquaintance of a young, caring, and supportive lady, with a view to matrimonial engagement.
Want to find out what happens next? Continue reading the story now…
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Love by Mail Boxset Bundle
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der, Sheriff & Thanksgiving
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Further Reading
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Love by Mail series
Love by Mail Boxset Bundle – http://amzn.to/1OtBKSO
Get all five Angel Creek stories in one handy bundle (you get a saving over buying the individual stories one by one too!). Included are books 1-5: Undertaker, Miner, Fur Trader, Sheriff & Thanksgiving
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A Mail Order Bride for the Undertaker – http://amzn.to/1R2b0t7
Meet Mercy, an orphan desperate to help those who had raised her and maybe, just maybe, find true love while she supports those in need. But is Cole, a strangely jolly undertaker in a town full of unwelcoming strangers, really what the Lord had in store for her?
A Mail Order Bride for the Miner – http://amzn.to/1R2b4ch
Meet Mercy, an orphan desperate to help those who had raised her and maybe, just maybe, find true love while she supports those in need. But is Cole, a strangely jolly undertaker in a town full of unwelcoming strangers, really what the Lord had in store for her?
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